Luke 9:32

But Peter and they that were with him were heavy with sleep: and when they were awake, they saw his glory, and the two men that stood with him.
Read Chapter 9

Ambrose of Milan

AD 397
For the incomprehensible brightness of the Divine nature oppresses our bodily senses. For if the sight of the body is unable to contain the sun's ray when opposite to the eyes which behold it, how can the corruption of our fleshly members endure the glory of God? And perhaps they were oppressed with sleep, that after their rest they might behold the sight of the resurrection. Therefore when they were awake they saw His glory. For no one, except he is watching, sees the glory of Christ. Peter was delighted, and as the allurements of this world enticed him not, was carried away by the glory of the resurrection. Hence it follows, And it came to pass as they departed But Peter distinguished not only by earnest feeling, but also by devout deeds, wishing like a zealous workman to build three tabernacles, offers the service of their united labor; for it follows, let us make three tabernacles, one for you DAMAS. But the Lord ordained you not the builder of tabernacles, but of the universal Chu...

Ambrose of Milan

AD 397
“While he spoke, there came a cloud, and overshadowed them.” That is the overshadowing of the divine Spirit, who is not dark with the emotions of humankind but unveils secrets. This is also revealed in another place when an angel says, “And the power of the Most High shall overshadow you.” The effect of this is shown when the voice of God is heard, saying, “This is my beloved Son; hear him.” Elijah is not the Son, and Moses is not the Son. This is the Son whom only you see, because they had withdrawn when he began to be described as Lord…. It was a luminous cloud that does not soak us with rainwater or the downpour of storm, but from dew that sprinkles the minds of men with faith sent by the voice of almighty God. –.

Ambrose of Milan

AD 397
It says, “It is good for us to be here.” “My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better.” The diligent workman is not content to praise. Even more admirable, not only in affection but also in pious deeds, he promises a ministry of common worship for the building of three tabernacles. Although he did not know what he said, he promised an observance that does not heap up the fruits of piety in indiscreet carelessness but in untimely zeal. His ignorance came from his condition, but his promise from his devotion. The human condition is corruptible in this. This mortal body is not capable of making a tabernacle for God.

Ambrose of Milan

AD 397
Peter saw this grace, and so did those who were with him, although they were heavy with sleep. The incomprehensible magnificence of the Godhead overwhelms the perceptions of our body. If the sharpness of bodily vision cannot bear the ray of the sun directly into watching eyes, how may the corruption of human members endure the glory of God? The garment of the body, purer and finer after the removal of the materiality of vices, is made for the resurrection. Perhaps they were so heavy with sleep that they saw the radiance of the resurrection after their rest. Keeping vigil, they saw his majesty, because no one sees the glory of Christ unless he is vigilant.

Augustine of Hippo

AD 430
Now in what Luke here says of Moses and Elias, And it came to pass as they departed from him, Peter said to Jesus, Master, it is good for us to be here, he must not be thought contrary to Matthew and Mark, who have so connected Peter's suggestion of this, as if Moses and Elias were still speaking with our Lord. For they did not expressly state that Peter said it then, but rather were silent about what Luke added, that as they departed, Peter suggested this to our Lord.
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Basil the Great

AD 379
For the obscurity of the Law had passed away; for as smoke is caused by the fire, so the cloud by light; but because a cloud is the sign of calmness, the rest of the future state is signified by the covering of a cloud.
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AD 735
Andmark, that as when our Lord was baptized in Jordan, so also when He was glorified on the Mount, the mystery of the whole Trinity is declared, for His glory which we confess at baptism, we shall see at the resurrection. Nor in vain does the Holy Spirit appear here in the cloud, there in the form of a dove, seeing that he who now preserves with a simple heart the faith which he receives, shall then in the light of open vision look upon those things which he believed.
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AD 735
The Father’s voice did not forbid them to listen to Moses and Elijah (that is, to the Law and the Prophets). It rather suggested to all of them that listening to his Son was to take precedence since he came to fulfill the Law and the Prophets. It impressed on them that the light of gospel truth was to be put ahead of all the types and obscure signs of the Old Testament. By the benevolent, divinely arranged plan when the moment of the cross was drawing near, he strengthened them so that the disciples’ faith might not falter when the Lord was crucified. He revealed to them how also his humanity was to be lifted up by heavenly light through his resurrection. The heavenly voice of the Father gave assurance that the Son was coeternal to the Father in his divinity so that when the hour of the passion approached, they would be less sorrowful at his dying. They remembered that after his death he would soon be glorified as a human being, although in his divinity he had always been glorified by ...

Cornelius a Lapide

AD 1637
But Peter and they that were with Him were heavy with sleep. S. Chrysostom takes sleep to mean amazement. But we may rather accept the words simply as describing the natural sleep which had fallen on the Apostles after the fatigue of their journey and watchings, from which they were awakened by the brightness of the transfiguration. See S. Matthew 17:1.
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Cyril of Alexandria

AD 444
For perhaps holy Peter imagined that the kingdom of heaven was at hand, and therefore it seemed good to him to abide on the mount. He knew not what he said, for neither was the time come for the end of the world, or for the Saints' enjoyment of their promised hope. And when the dispensation was now commencing, how was it fitting that Christ should abandon His love of the world, Who was willing to suffer for it? . How then should men suppose Him who is really the Son to be made or created, when God the Father thundered c. from above, This is my beloved Son! as if He said, Not one of My sons, but He who is truly and by nature MySon, according to whose example the others are adopted. He ordered them then to obey Him, when He added, Hear you him. And to obey Him more than Moses and Elias, for Christ is the end of the Law and the Prophets. Hence the Evangelist adds significantly, And when the voice was past, Jesus was found alone.

Cyril of Alexandria

AD 444
The dispensation was still at its beginning and not yet fulfilled. How would it have been fitting for Christ to abandon his love for the world and depart from his purpose of suffering on its behalf? By undergoing death in the flesh and by abolishing death by the resurrection from the dead, he redeemed all under heaven. Peter therefore knew not what he said. Commentary on Luke, Homily
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Gregory the Theologian

AD 390
He was bright as the lightning on the mountain and became more luminous than the sun, initiating us into the mystery of the future. Oration, On the Son.
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John Chrysostom

AD 407
Or, by the word sleep, he means that strange maze that fell upon them by reason of the vision. For it was not night time, but the exceeding brightness of the light weighed down their weak eyes. Or else Peter heard that it was necessary Christ must die, and on the third day rise again, but he saw around him a very remote and solitary place; he supposed therefore that the place had some great protection. For this reason he said, It is good for us to be here. Moses atoo was present, who entered into the cloud. Elias, who on the mount brought down fire from heaven. The Evangelist then, to indicate the confusion of mind in which he utters this, added, Not knowing what he said.

Theophilus of Antioch

AD 184
But while Peter spoke, our Lord builds a tabernacle not made with hands, and enters into it with the Prophets. Hence it is added, While he thus spoke there came a cloudand overshadowed them, to show that He was not inferior to the Father. For as in the Old Testament it was said, the Lord dwelt in the cloud, so now also a cloud received our Lord, nota dark cloud, but bright and shining. Lest in truth any one should suppose that these words, This is my beloved Son, were uttered about Moses or Elias. Now those things which began from the Word, end in the Word. For by this he implies that up to a certain time the Law and the Prophets appear, as here Moses and Elias; but afterwards, at their departure, Jesus is alone. For now abides the Gospel, legal things having passed away.

Titus of Bostra

AD 378
Peter also was ignorant what he said, seeing that it was not proper to make three tabernacles for the three. For the servants are not received with their Lord, the creature is not placed beside the Creator.
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Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - 2 Peter 1:20

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