And they that were sent, returning to the house, found the servant whole that had been sick.
Read Chapter 7
Ambrose of Milan
AD 397
How great is the sign of divine humility, that the Lord of heaven by no means disdained to visit the centurion’s servant! Faith is revealed in deeds, but humanity is more active in compassion. Surely he did not act this way because he could not cure in his absence, but in order to give you a form of humility for imitation he taught the need to defer to the small and the great alike. In another place he says to the ruler, “Go, your son lives,” that you may know both the power of Divinity and the grace of humility. In that case he refused to go to the ruler’s son, lest he seem to have had regard for riches. In this case he went himself lest he seem to have despised the humble rank of the centurion’s servant. All of us, slave and free, are one in Christ.