He that rejects me, and receives not my words, has one that judges him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day.
Read Chapter 12
Cornelius a Lapide
AD 1637
He that rejecteth Me, and receiveth not My words, hath one that judgeth him. He that believeth not My words will have God as his Judges , who will judge him by Me at the judgment day. For, as S. Augustine says (de Trinit. i28), Christ will not judge by His human power, but by the power of the Word of God.
The word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him at the last day. S. Augustine (in loc.) understands by the "Word" Christ Himself, for He will be the judge. "He has sufficiently set forth that He will be the judge at the last day, for He spake of Himself. He announced Himself, He placed Himself as the Door by which He as Shepherd came in to the sheep." Others more clearly, and with greater force, say, My word heard and not believed in by the Jews will accuse them at the day of judgment, and with mute voice will proclaim them worthy of hell. "That word," says Rupertus, "which they heard, which they could not but know to be true, as approved by the wondrous testimony of His miracl...
They will be self-condemned therefore, He says, who refuse to hear Him and do not accept the saving faith. For He that came to illumine, came not in order to judge, but to save. He therefore that disobeys and thereby subjects himself to the greatest miseries, let him blame himself as justly punished." For I am not the cause thereof, Who desire to save those that are going to fall into judgment, and Who came for this end. For he that makes a law punishing the disobedient, makes it not for the sake of punishing them that transgress it, but in order that they that hear may take heed of it and be safe. I therefore, having come to save, charge you to believe, and not to despise My words; inasmuch as the present is a time of salvation, not of judgment. For in the day of judgment, the word that called you to salvation will bring the penalties of disobedience upon you. And of what nature was the word that I spake?"
For justly their conscience does not suffer them [to speak plainly], althoug...
If the Father judges no man, and you are not come to judge the world, who judges him? The word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him. For since they said, He is not from God, He says this, that, they shall not then be able to say these things, but the words which I have spoken now, shall be in place of an accuser, convicting them, and cutting off all excuse. And the word which I have spoken. What manner of word?
On account of His assumption of humanity, wishing to show that men shall be judged by the word that He had declared, He says: "Think ye that I will judge you at the last day? Nay, but the word "says He, "which I have spoken unto you, that shall judge you in the last day."