For every high priest is ordained to offer gifts and sacrifices: therefore it is of necessity that this man have something also to offer.
Read Chapter 8
George Leo Haydock
AD 1849
For every high priest That is, as all priests are ordained to offer up to God some gifts and sacrifices; so Christ, a priest for ever, has now in heaven something to offer to his eternal Father; to wit, the infinite merits and satisfactions of his death and passion. This he doth in heaven, and also by the ministry of his priests on earth, who offer the same in his name. (Witham)
This is the daily sacrifice of Christians, foretold plainly by Malachi as, chap. i. 10. 11. This is also clearly mentioned in St. Justin Martyr, Dial. cum Try phone.; Tertullian, co. M. and shadows of heavenly things in the new law after Christ's coming, and of the sacrifice by which he offered himself on the cross. And this God doubtless revealed to Moses, when he said to him: take heed "thou make all things according to the pattern which was shown thee on the mount. "(Witham)
Earth That is, if he were not of a higher condition than the Levitical order of earthly priests, and had not another kind of sacrific...
Do not now, because you hear that He sits, suppose that His being called High Priest is mere idle talk. For the former, viz. His sitting, belongs to the dignity of the Godhead, but this to His great lovingkindness, and His tender care for us. On this account he repeatedly urges this very thing, and dwells more upon it: for he feared lest the other [truth] should overthrow it. Therefore he again brings down his discourse to this: since some were enquiring why He died. He was a Priest. But there is no Priest without a sacrifice. It is necessary then that He also should have a sacrifice.