And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.
Read Chapter 5
Basil the Great
AD 379
We “crucify” the flesh, of course, by being baptized in the water of baptism, which is a likeness of the cross and his death, his entombment and his resurrection, as it is written.
Is another people, and trust in another, and have willingly sold themselves to another; but those who perform the commandments of the Lord, in every action "testify "by doing what He wishes, and consistently naming the Lord's name; and "testifying "by deed to Him in whom they trust, that they are those "who have crucified the flesh, with the affections and lusts. ""If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit."
In truth, express His likeness in their thoughts, and in their whole life, and in all their behaviour: in word, and in deeds, and in patience, and in fortitude, and in knowledge, and in chastity, and in long-suffering, and in a pure heart, and in faith, and in hope, and in full and perfect love towards God. No virgin, therefore, unless they be in everything as Christ, and as those "who are Christs"
They that are Christ"s, &c. This sets out the preceding antithesis between the works of the flesh and the works of the Spirit. Two armies are ranged in battle array; but Christ"s soldier crucifies his flesh with its affections and lusts, and not only these, but by fastings, hair-shirts, labours, and penances, he crucifies the corrupt flesh itself, as being the seed-ground of lust. So Anselm; but it Isaiah , better to take flesh, not properly, but as standing for the concupiscence residing in the flesh, as in ver17. Those who are led by the Spirit of Christ have crucified their lust, their corrupt nature with its vicious tendencies and actual vices. "They have subdued it," says S. Augustine, "out of that holy fear which abideth for ever, which makes us afraid of offending Him whom we love with all our heart and soul and mind."
Note that concupiscence here Isaiah , as it were, a soul: its affections are its faculties; its lusts are its acts. Christians crucify these, i.e, crush them wit...
And yet a virgin in the Church glories concerning her fleshly appearance and the beauty of her body! Paul adds, and says, "For they that are Christ's have crucified their flesh, with its faults and lusts."
If those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh, it is therefore clear that the slaves of Christ have presented their flesh in purity along with its desires and passions. They are participating in Christ, thus acknowledging that he crucified the flesh. That is why the faithful, thinking the same thoughts as their Lord, have crucified the flesh. And if believers have crucified the flesh it is unthinkable that those who suffered on Christ’s behalf should not be reigning with him. Panarion, Seventh Refutation of Marcion.
That they might not object, And who is such a man as this? he points out by their works those who have attained to this perfection, here again giving the name of the flesh to evil actions. He does not mean that they had destroyed their flesh, otherwise how were they going to live? For that which is crucified is dead and inoperative, but he indicates the perfect rule of life. For the desires, although they are troublesome, rage in vain. Since then such is the power of the Spirit, let us live therein and be content therewith, as he adds himself,
So that no one may ask, “And who is like this?” he points to people who perform such good things by their works. Once again he makes flesh stand for evil deeds. He does not mean that they had destroyed their flesh; otherwise how were they going to live? For the crucified person is dead and inactive. But what he means is strict discipleship. Even if desires press hard they rage in vain. Since the power of the Spirit is such, let us live according to it, and let us be content with it.