Galatians 4:10

You observe days, and months, and times, and years.
Read Chapter 4


AD 400
The observers of days are those who say, for example, “Tomorrow there must be no setting out on a journey.” … The observers of months are those who watch the course of the moon, saying, for example, “Contracts must not be sealed in the seventh month.” … Seasons are observed when people say, “Today is the first day of spring, it is a festival and after tomorrow is the feast of Vulcan.” … People pay respect to the year when they say, “The first day of January is the new year,” as though a year were not completed every day…. For if God is loved with the whole heart, there ought not to be any dread or suspicion of these phenomena so long as he is near. –.

Clement Of Rome

AD 99
Accordingly some one well instructed in the doctrines taught by Moses, finding fault with the people for their sins, called them sons of the new moons and the sabbaths.

Cornelius a Lapide

AD 1637
Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years. As S. Augustine ( Ephesians 119 and Enchirid79) and Anselm understand the elements to be the sun, moon, and idols, so do they understand this verse to mean days that were lucky or unlucky, according as astrology made them so. But Chrysostom and Jerome and others explain the days to be the Jewish Sabbaths; the months to be the new moons, and the seventh month, which was held sacred throughout; the times to be the stated feasts of the four seasons—the Passover, Pentecost, the Day of Atonement, and the New Year; and the years to be the seventh year of remission of debts, and the fiftieth year of jubilee. By the observance of days, months, and years, S. Paul means the ceremonies of the Old Law as a whole. From this appears the error of the heretics, who infer from this that the feasts of the Church are condemned. If they were, then would the heretics themselves be condemned for keeping Sunday? What is condemned here is the observance of t...

Gaius Marius Victorinus

AD 400
So that he may be seen to say this to Jews and about Jews—that is, to the Galatians, who combine the Jews’ way of life with theirs—he adds, “You observe days and months and seasons and years.” … For it is one thing to observe days, as for example to rest on the sabbath, another to observe months, as for example to observe new moons, … another to observe years, another again [to observe] seasons such as fasting, the Passover, the feast of unleavened bread and other things of this kind. –.

George Leo Haydock

AD 1849
You observe days These false teachers were for obliging all Christians to observe all the Jewish feasts, fasts, ceremonies Some of the later reformers find here an occasion to blame the fasts and holydays kept by Catholics. St. Jerome, in his commentary on these words, tells us that some had made the like objection in his time: his answer might reasonably stop their rashness; to wit, that Christians keep indeed the sabbath on the Sunday, (not the Jewish sabbath on Saturdays) that they keep also divers holydays, and days on which great saints suffered martyrdom, (let our adversaries take notice of this) but that both the days are different, and the motives of keeping them. See St. Jerome, tom. iv. p. 271. (Witham) This text cannot mean to condemn the feasts appointed to be kept holy in the Catholic Church. For on the festivals dedicated to our Lord, St. Augustine writeth thus: "We dedicate and consecrate the memory of God's benefits with solemnities on solemn appointed days, lest in pr...


AD 420
By “years” I think he means the seventh year of release, and the fiftieth, which they call the jubilee. –.

John Chrysostom

AD 407
Hence is plain that their teachers were preaching to them not only circumcision, but also the feast-days and new-moons.

Tertullian of Carthage

AD 220
"even the rudiments of the law: "Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years". (In burnt?) With what fires, prithee? The fires, I ween, which lead us to repeated contracting of nuptials and daily cooking of dinners! Thus, too, they affirm that we share with the Galatians the piercing rebuke (of the apostle), as "observers of days, and of months, and of years.". Being, therefore, observers of "seasons "for these things, and of "days, and months, and years"

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - 2 Peter 1:20

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