And the law is not of faith: but,
The man that does them shall live in them.
Read Chapter 3
Clement Of Alexandria
AD 215
Whether, then, Egypt and the land of Canaan be the symbol of the world and of deceit, or of sufferings and afflictions; the oracle shows us what must be abstained from, and what, being divine and not worldly, must be observed. And when it is said, "The man that doeth them shall live in them"
And the law is not of faith. The law neither teaches nor gives the grace by which we fulfil the law and live righteously. But, as is said in Ezekiel 20:11, the man that doeth what the law commands shall live, i.e, shall not be punished with the death threatened by the law for transgressors, but he shall enjoy life and an abundance of temporal goods, as the law promises to those who keep it. The same was said in Romans 10:5, which reminds us of the close relationship between that Epistle and this, the latter being a compendium of the former.
Observe the antithesis between "faith" and "law." Of the former, it is said that the just, because he is just, shall live by it, i.e,shall enjoy a life of grace and glory, which is the perfect and blissful life. But as to the latter, it is not said absolutely that he who keeps the law shall live by it, but only in it, i.e, he shall live the life, and enjoy the goods promised by the law, viz, abundance of corn, wine, and oil.
For the Law requires not only Faith but works also, but grace saves and justifies by Faith. Ephesians 2:8
You see how he proves that they are under the curse who cleave to the Law, because it is impossible to fulfill it; next, how comes Faith to have this justifying power? For to this doctrine he already stood pledged, and now maintains it with great force of argument. The Law being too weak to lead man to righteousness, an effectual remedy was provided in Faith, which is the means of rendering that possible which was impossible by the Law. Romans 8:3 Now as the Scripture says, the just shall live by faith, thus repudiating salvation by the Law, and moreover as Abraham was justified by Faith, it is evident that its efficacy is very great. And it is also clear, that he who abides not by the Law is cursed, and that he who keeps to Faith is just. But, you may ask me, how I prove that this curse is not still of force? Abraham lived before the Law, but we, who once were subject to the yo...