That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ.
Read Chapter 1
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What he means is that God first allotted the task of preaching to those believers in Christ who were from a Jewish background. Therefore no one of Gentile background was chosen to be an apostle. It was fitting that the first preachers should be chosen from those who had previously hoped for the salvation that had been promised to them in Christ.
First the believer is enabled to hope in Christ, that is, follow Christ and believe that all Christ’s promises can be fulfilled. Only then will the consequence be that he will live for the praise of the glory of God. .
That is to say, through whom. Observe how he on all occasions speaks of Christ, as the Author of all things, and in no case gives Him the title of a subordinate agent, or a minister. And so again, elsewhere, in his Epistle to the Hebrews, he says, that God, having of old time spoken unto the Fathers in the prophets, has at the end of these days spoken unto us in His Son, Hebrews 1:1 that is through His Son.
The word of truth, he says, no longer that of the type, nor of the image.
The Gospel of your salvation. And well does he call it the Gospel of salvation, intimating in the one word a contrast to the law, in the other, a contrast with punishment to come. For what is the message, but the Gospel of salvation, which forbears to destroy those that are worthy of destruction.