And when you shall see Jerusalem surrounded with armies, then know that its desolation is near.
All Commentaries on Luke 21:20 Go To Luke 21
Augustine of Hippo
AD 430
The signs given in the Gospel and in prophecy and fulfilled in us show the coming of the Lord…. We know that the coming is near by the fact that we see the fulfillment of certain signs of that coming that have been accomplished…. The signs that Christ told them to look for are listed in the Gospel of Saint Luke: “Jerusalem will be trampled down by the Gentiles until the times of the nations are fulfilled.” This has happened and no one doubts that it has happened…. It is plain that there is no country or place in our time that is not harassed or humbled according to the words “for fear and expectation of what will come on the whole world.” All the signs that the gospel describes in the earlier verses have mostly been accomplished.