Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named,
All Commentaries on Ephesians 3:15 Go To Ephesians 3
AD 420
Before any discussion we must note that he did not say “from whom every fatherhood in heaven and earth is born” but “from whom every fatherhood in heaven and earth is named.” For it is one thing to merit the name of father, another to have a natural relation [as eternal Father to all creatures]…. I have searched about in Scripture asking whether the word fatherhood is ever applied to the Gentiles. I have found nothing except the twentyfirst psalm, “and all the fatherhoods of the Gentiles shall adore in his sight,” and the twentyeighth, “Give to the Lord, fatherhoods of the Gentiles, bring him the young of rams.” Think by this analogy: As God exists, God allows the term existence to be applied to creatures as well. So we say that creatures exist and subsist, not so as to imply that they exist in and of themselves [as God exists] but as a derived existence enabled by God…. According to this same argument, God allows the term fatherhood to be given to creatures. So by analogy to his fathering we can understand creaturely fathering…. Similarly, as the only good One he makes others good. As the only immortal One God has bestowed immortality on others. As the only true One he imparts the name of truth. So also the Father alone, being Creator of all and the cause of the subsistence of all things, makes it possible for other creatures to be called fathers. .