Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, How shall we be clothed?
All Commentaries on Matthew 6:31 Go To Matthew 6
Cornelius a Lapide
AD 1637
For after all these things do the Gentiles seek. This is the fifth argument, that anxiety about these earthly things is the mark of a Pagan, and does not become Christians, who believe in the providence of God, yea, who feel and experience it every day.
For your heavenly Father knoweth, &c. The sixth argument. God truly knows what ye have need of in the way of food and clothes; He sees and beholds your wants, because He is God. Therefore He will provide for them, because He loves you as His children, for He is your Father, and He is able to provide, because He is your Heavenly and Almighty Father. Why then do ye not roll off all your care upon Him? For He both knows and is willing and able to succour your necessity. Christ adds in Luke 11:29, Neither be ye of doubtful mind. Gr. μὴ μετεωÏίζεσθε, on which see what I have there said. Whence S. Francis was wont to give his brethren no other provision for a journey than the words of the Psalmist, "Cast thy care upon the Lord, and he will nourish thee." ( Psalm 45:22.) Where for care the Hebrew has jehabcha, which the Chaldee renders, thy hope; S. Jerome, thy love; Vatablus, thy weight, thy burden, i.e, thy solicitudes, thine anxieties, thy troubles, thy poverty, and whatever burdens thee and weighs thee down. The Roman Psalter has, thy cogitation. The root of the word is יהב yahab, signifying the desire of one who asks, whatever stirs and draws out thy anxious prayer. And He shall nourish thee. The Hebrew Isaiah , shall sustain, shall perfect, shalt take care of thee. S. Peter says, "Casting all your care upon Him, for He careth for you." And S. Paul writes to the Philippians , "Be careful for nothing, but in all prayer and supplication with giving of thanks, let your requests be made known unto God." See what is there said. We have a narrow mind, slender shoulders, a little strength. But God has the far-reaching eyes of His providence, and corresponding shoulders. For He is the true Atlas, who sustains heaven and earth upon His shoulders.