But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
All Commentaries on Matthew 10:6 Go To Matthew 10
John Chrysostom
AD 407
For think not at all, says He, because they insult me, and call me demoniac, that I hate them and turn away from them. Nay, as I sought earnestly to amend them in the first place, so keeping you away from all the rest, to them do I send you as teachers and physicians. And I not only forbid you to preach to others before these, but I do not suffer you so much as to touch upon the road that leads there, nor to enter into such a city. Because the Samaritans too are in a state of enmity with the Jews. And yet it was an easier thing to deal with them, for they were much more favorably disposed to the faith; but the case of these was more difficult. But for all this, He sends them on the harder task, indicating his guardian care of them, and stopping the mouths of the Jews, and preparing the way for the teaching of the apostles, that people might not hereafter blame them for entering in to men uncircumcised, Acts 11:3 and think they had a just cause for shunning and abhorring them. And he calls them lost, not stray, sheep, in every way contriving how to excuse them, and winning their mind to himself.