Therefore we labor, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him.
All Commentaries on 2 Corinthians 5:9 Go To 2 Corinthians 5
John Chrysostom
AD 407
'For what we seek for is this,' says he, 'whether we be there or here, to live according to His will; for this is the principal thing. So that by this you have the kingdom already in possession without a probation.' For lest when they had arrived at so great a desire of being there, they should again be disquieted at its being so long first, in this he gives them already the chief of those good things. And what is this? To be well pleasing. For as to depart is not absolutely good, but to do so in [God's] favor, which is what makes departing also become a good; so to remain here is not absolutely grievous, but to remain offending Him. Deem not then that departure from the body is enough; for virtue is always necessary. For as when he spoke of a Resurrection, he allowed [them] not by it alone to be of good courage, saying, If so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked; so also having showed a departure, lest you should think that this is enough to save you, he added that it is needful that we be well pleasing.
5. Seeing then he has persuaded them by many good things, henceforth he alarms them also by those of gloomier aspect. For our interest consists both in the attainment of the good things and the avoidance of the evil things, in other words, hell and the kingdom. But since this, the avoiding of punishment, is the more forcible motive; for where penalty reaches only to the not receiving good things, the most will bear this contentedly; but if it also extend to the suffering of evil, do so no longer: (for they ought, indeed, to consider the former intolerable, but from the weakness and grovelling nature of the many, the latter appears to them more hard to bear:) since then (I say) the giving of the good things does not so arouse the general hearer as the threat of the punishments, he is obliged to conclude with this,