For we are unto God a sweet fragrance of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish:
All Commentaries on 2 Corinthians 2:15 Go To 2 Corinthians 2
John Chrysostom
AD 407
Whether, says he, one be saved or be lost, the Gospel continues to have its proper virtue: and as the light, although it blinds the weakly, is still light, though causing blindness; and as honey, though it be bitter to those who are diseased, is in its nature sweet; so also is the Gospel of sweet savor, even though some should be lost who believe it not. For not It, but their own perverseness, works the perdition. And by this most of all is its sweet savor manifested, by which the corrupt and vicious perish; so that not only by the salvation of the good, but also by the perdition of the wicked is its excellence declared. Since both the sun, for this reason most especially that he is exceeding bright, does wound the eyes of the weak: and the Saviour is for the fall and rising again of many, Luke 2:34 but still He continues to be a Saviour, though ten thousand fall; and His coming brought a sorer punishment upon them that believe not, but still it continues to be full of healing. Whence also he says, We are unto God a sweet savor; that is, 'even though some be lost we continue to be that which we are.' Moreover he said not simply a sweet savor, but unto God. And when we are a sweet savor unto God, and He decrees these things, who shall henceforth gainsay?
The expression also, sweet savor of Christ, appears to me to admit of a double interpretation: for he means either that in dying they offered themselves a sacrifice: or that they were a sweet savor of the death of Christ, as if one should say, this incense is a sweet savor of this victim. The expression then, sweet savor, either signifies this, or, as I first said, that they are daily sacrificed for Christ's sake.
3. Do you see to what a height he has advanced the trials, terming them a triumph and a sweet savor and a sacrifice offered unto God. Then, whereas he said, we are a sweet savor, even in them that perish, lest you should think that these too are acceptable