Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
All Commentaries on Matthew 5:4 Go To Matthew 5
George Leo Haydock
AD 1849
The land of the living, or the kingdom of heaven. The evangelist prefers calling it the land of the living in this place, to show that the meek, the humble, and the oppressed, who are spoiled of the possession of this earth by the powerful and the proud, shall obtain the inheritance of a better land. (Menochius) "They shall possess the land "is the reward annexed by our Saviour to meekness, that he might not differ in any point from the old law, so well known to the persons he was addressing. David, in psalm xxxvi, had made the same promise to the meek. If temporal blessings are promised to some of the virtues in the beatitudes, it is that temporal blessings might always accompany the more solid rewards of grace. But spiritual rewards are always the principal, always ranked in the first place, all who practice these virtues are pronounced blessed. (Hom. xv.)