For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
All Commentaries on John 3:16 Go To John 3
Augustine of Hippo
AD 430
For why is He called the Savior of the world, but because He saves the world? The physician, so far as his will is concerned, heals the sick. If the sick despises or will not observe the directions of the physician, he destroys himself.
What did you expect Him to say of him who believed not, except that heis condemned. Yet mark His words: He that believes not is condemned already. The Judgment has not appeared, but it is already given. For the Lord knows who are His; who are awaiting the crown, and who the fire.
Where then do we place baptized children? Amongst those who believe? This is acquired for them by the virtue of the Sacrament, and the pledges of the sponsors. And by this same rule we reckon those who are not baptized, among those who believe not.