Mark 7:13

Making the word of God of no effect through your tradition, which you have delivered: and many such things do you.
All Commentaries on Mark 7:13 Go To Mark 7


AD 735
In Marc., 2, 29: The people of the land of Gennesareth, who seemed to be unlearned men, not only come themselves, but also bring their sick to the Lord, that they may but succeed in touching the hem of His garment. But the Pharisees and Scribes, who ought to have been the teachers of the people, run together to the Lord, not to seek for healing, but to move captious questions. Wherefore it is said, “Then there came together unto Him the Pharisees and certain of the Scribes, coming from Jerusalem; and when they saw some of His disciples eat bread with common, that is, with unwashen hands, they found fault.”. The sense of the word honour in Scripture is not so much the saluting and paying court to men, as alms-giving, and bestowing gifts; “honour,” says the Apostle, “widows who are widows indeed.” . The passage may in a few words have this sense, Every gift which I have to make, will go to do you good; for yecompel children, it is meant, to say to their parents, that gift which I was going to offer to God, I expend on feeding you, and does you good, oh fatherand mother, speaking this ironically. Thus they would be afraid to accept what had been given into the hands of God, and might prefer a life of poverty to living on consecrated property.
1 min

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - 2 Peter 1:20

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