Matthew 21:9

And the multitudes that went before, and that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna to the son of David: Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest.
All Commentaries on Matthew 21:9 Go To Matthew 21

Remigius of Rheims

AD 533
The Evangelist related above that the Lord departed from Galilee, and began togo up to Jerusalem. Being now occupied with telling what He did by the way, he proceeds in his purpose, saying, “And when they drew nigh to Jerusalem, and were come to Bethphage.” Bethphage was a small village of the priests, situated on the declivity of Mount Olivet, one mile distant from Jerusalem. For the priests who ministered in the temple their apportioned time, when their office of ministration was discharged, withdrew to this village to abide; as also did they who were to take their place. Because it was commanded by their Law that none should travel on the Sabbath more than a mile. Notwithstanding, it was possible that the Lord might have sate upon both animals. And it is confounded of one perfect and one imperfect word. For ‘Hosi’signifies ‘save,” ‘anna’ is an interjection used in entreating. Because, namely, in all His good actions, He sought not His own but His Father's glory. The Lord therefore sent His disciples from mount Olivet to the village, when He guided the preachers forth from the primitive Church into the world. He sent two, because there were two orders of preachers, as the Apostle shews, saying, "He that wrought in Peter to the Apostleship of circumcision, the same was mighty in me towards the Gentiles;” or, because the precepts of charity are two; or, because there are two testaments; or, because there is letter and spirit. But as it was then said to the Apostles, “If any man say ought to you, say ye,The Lord hath need of them;” so now it is commanded to the preachers, that though any opposition he made to them, they should not slack to preach. The Lord sitting upon the ass goes towards Jerusalem, because presiding over the Holy Church, or the faithful soul, He both guides it in this life, and after this life leads it to the view of the heavenly country. But the Apostles and other teachers set their garments upon the ass, when they gave to the Gentiles the glory which they had received from Christ. The multitudes spread their garments in the way, when they of the circumcision who believed, despised the glory which they had by the Law. They cut down branches from the trees, because out of the Prophets they had heard of the green “Branch” as an emblem of Christ. Or, the multitudes who spread their garments in the way, are the martyrs who gave to martyrdom for Christ their bodies, which are the clothing of their minds. Or, they are signified, who subdue their bodies by abstinence. They who cut down the branches of the trees, are they who seek out the sayings and examples of the holy fathers for their own or their children’s salvation.
2 mins

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - 2 Peter 1:20

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