Then Jesus answered and said unto her,
O woman, great is your faith: be it unto you even as you will.
And her daughter was made whole from that very hour.
All Commentaries on Matthew 15:28 Go To Matthew 15
Augustine of Hippo
AD 430
De Cons. Ev., ii, 49: A question of discrepancy is raised upon this, that Mark says the Lord was in the house when the woman came praying for her daughter. Indeed Matthew might have been understood to have omitted mention of the house, and yet to have been relating the same event; but when he says, that the disciples suggested to the Lord, “Send her away, for she crieth after us,” he seems to indicate clearly that the woman raised her voice in supplication, in following the Lord who waswalking.We must understand then, that, as Mark writes, she entered in where Jesus was, that is, as he had noticed above, in the house; then, that as Matthew writes, “He answered her not a word,” and during this silence of both sides, Jesus left the house; and then the rest follows without any discordance.
Quaest. Ev., i, 18: And that to heal the Centurion’s servant, and the daughter of this Chananaean woman, He does not go to their houses, signifies that the Gentiles, among whom He himself went not, should be saved by His word. That these are healed on the prayer of their parents, we must understand of the Church, which is at once mother and children; the whole body of those who make up the Church is the mother, and each individual of that body is a son of that mother.