Matthew 15:28

Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is your faith: be it unto you even as you will. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour.
All Commentaries on Matthew 15:28 Go To Matthew 15

Glossa Ordinaria

AD 1480
Ap. Anselm: The great faith of this Chananaean woman is herein shewed. She believes Him to be God, in that she calls Him “Lord;” and man, in that she calls Him “Son of David.” She claims nothing of her own desert, but craves only God's mercy. And she says not, Have mercy on my daughter, but “Have mercy on me;” because the affliction of the daughter is the affliction of the mother. And the more to excite His compassion, she declares to Him the whole of her grief, “My daughteris sore vexed by a daemon;” thus unfolding to the Physician the wound, and the extent and nature of the disease; its extent, when she says “is sore vexed; "its nature, “by a daemon.”. ap. Anselm: And by this delay in answering, He shows us the patience and perseverance of this woman. And He answered not for this reason also, that the disciples might petition for her; shewing herein that the prayers of the Saints are necessary in order to obtain any thing; as it follows, “And his disciples came unto him, saying, Send her away, for she crieth after us.”. ap. Anselm: The Jews were born sons, and brought up by the Law in the worship of one God. The bread is the Gospel, its miracles and other things which pertain to our salvation. It is not then meet that these should be taken from the children and given to the Gentiles, who are dogs, till the Jews refuse them. non occ.: And if the Lord delays the salvation of a soul at the first tears of the supplicating Church, we ought not to despair, or to cease from our prayers, but rather continue them earnestly.
1 min

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - 2 Peter 1:20

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