And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
All Commentaries on Matthew 6:13 Go To Matthew 6
Augustine of Hippo
AD 430
Epist., 130, 11: This petition with which the Lord’s Prayer concludes is of such extent, that a Christian man in whatever tribulation cast, will in this petition utter groans, in this shed tears, here begin and here end his prayer. And therefore follows “Amen,” by which is expressed the strong desire of him that prays.
Epist., 130, 12: And whatever other words we may use, either introductory to quicken the affections, or in conclusion to add to them, we say nothing more than is contained in the Lord’s Prayer if we pray rightly and connectedly. And if you thus go through all the words of the holy prayers, you will find nothing that is not contained in the Lord 'sprayer. Whoever then speaks such words as have no relation to this evangelic prayer, prays carnally; and such prayer I know not why we should not pronounce unlawful, seeing the Lord instructs those who are born again only to pray spiritually. But whoso in prayer says, Lord, increase my riches, add to my honours; and that from desire of such things, not with a view to doing men service after God’s will by such things; I think that he finds nothing in the Lord's Prayer on which he may build such petitions. Let such a one then be withheld by shame from praying for, if not from desiring, such things. But if he have shame at the desire, yet desire overcomes, he will do better to pray for deliverance from the evil of desire to Him to whom we say, “Deliver us from evil.”.
Serm. in Mont. ii. 11: This number of petitions seems to answer to the seven-fold number of the beatitudes. If it is the fear of God by which are made "blessed the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven,” let us ask that the name of God be hallowed among men, a reverent fear abiding for ever and ever. If it be piety by which “the meek are blessed,” let us pray that His kingdom may come, that we may become meek, and not resist Him. If it be knowledge by which “they that mourn are blessed,” let us pray that His will may be done as in heaven so inearth; for if the body consent with the spirit as does earth with heaven, we shall not mourn. If fortitude be that by which “they that hunger are blessed,” let us pray that our daily bread be this day given us, by which we may come to full saturity.If it is counsel by which “blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy,” let us forgive debts, that our debts may be forgiven us. If it be wisdom by which “blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God,” let us pray to be delivered from evil; for that very deliverance will make us free as sons of God.