Of this occurrence he says: The ethnarch of Aretas the king kept the city of the Damascenes with a garrison, desiring to apprehend me. 2 Corinthians 11:32 But observe the Writer here, that he does not tell the story ambitiously, and so as to show what an important person Paul was, saying, For they stirred up the king, and so forth: but only, Then the disciples took him by night, and let him down by the wall— in a basket: for they sent him out alone, and none with him. And it was well they did this: the consequence being, that he showed himself to the Apostles in Jerusalem. Now they sent him out, as bound to provide for his safety by flight: but he did just the contrary— he leaped into the midst of those who were mad against him. This it is to be on fire, this to be fervent indeed! From that day forth he knew all the commands which the Apostles had heard: Except a man take up his cross, and follow Me. Matthew 10:38 The very fact that he had been slower to come than the rest made him mor...