My manner of life from my youth, which was at the first among my own nation at Jerusalem, know all the Jews;
Read Chapter 26
John Chrysostom
AD 407
which is what he says on a former occasion Being a zealot. Acts 22:3 And when the whole people was present, then he challenges their testimony: not before the tribunal, but before Lysias, and again here, when more were present: whereas in that hearing there needed not much vindication of himself, since Lysias' letter exculpated him. Know all the Jews, he says, which knew me from the beginning. And he does not say what kind of life his was, but leaves it to their own conscience, and lays the whole stress on his sect, as he would not have chosen that sect, if he had been a man of evil disposition and bad character (πονηρὸς καὶ μοχθηρός). But, for this hope (manuscripts and Edd. αἱρέσεως) he says, I stand and am judged.