But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and said unto them, You men of Judea, and all you that dwell at Jerusalem, be this known unto you, and hearken to my words:
Read Chapter 2
George Leo Haydock
AD 1849
But Peter standing up A wonderful change which the Holy Spirit, at his coming, in a moment wrought in the apostles, as we see in the person of St. Peter, who before, when questioned by a silly girl, denied his master, now he values not all the Sanhedrim of the Scribes, Pharisees, and magistrates; he boldly and publicly charges them with the murder of Jesus, their Lord, and their Christ. (ver. 36) (Witham)
As the prince of the apostolic college, and head of the Church, under Jesus Christ, hence Peter speaks in the name of the other apostles also, gives an account of the miracle, and promulgates the evangelical law. (Menochius)
Newly replenished with all knowledge and fortitude, and full of the holy Spirit, he here maketh his first sermon. (Bristow)
whom the writer above described as strangers. Here he directs his discourse to those others, the mockers, and while he seems to reason with those, he sets these right. For indeed it was divinely ordered that "some mocked," that he might have a starting-point for his defence, and by means of that defence, might teach. It seems they accounted it a high encomium to dwell in Jerusalem too. "Be this," says he, "known unto you, and hearken unto my words." In the first instance he made them more disposed to attend to him. "For not as ye suppose," says he, "are these drunken." Do you observe the mildness of his defence? (v. 15.) Although having the greater part of the people on his side, he reasons with those others gently; first he removes the evil surmise, and then he establishes his apology. On this account, therefore, he does not say, "as ye mock," or, "as ye deride," but, "as ye suppose;" wishing to make it appear that they had not said this in earnest, and for the present taxing them...
What is meant by, with the eleven? They expressed themselves through one common voice, and he was the mouth of all. The eleven stood by as witnesses to what he said. Men of Judea By the expression (in Greek) ᾿ Ιουδαἵοι, I take him to mean those that lived in Judea. those who are staying in Jerusalem It seems they accounted it a high honor to dwell in Jerusalem too.