If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Read Chapter 1
Augustine of Hippo
AD 430
Not only the past, but haply if we have contracted any from this life; because a man, so long as he bears the flesh, cannot but have some at any rate light sins. But these which we call light, do not make light of. If you make light of them when you weigh them, be afraid when you count them. Many light make one huge sin: many drops fill the river; many grains make the lump. And what hope is there? Before all, confession: lest any think himself righteous, and, before the eyes of God who sees that which is, man, that was not and is, lift up the neck. Before all, then, confession; then, love: for of charity what is said? Charity covers a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8 Now let us see whether he commends charity in regard of the sins which subsequently overtake us: because charity alone extinguishes sins. Pride extinguishes charity: therefore humility strengthens charity; charity extinguishes sins. Humility goes along with confession, the humility by which we confess ourselves sinners: this...
If we receive the witness of men, &c. If we give credit to man"s testimony, much more ought we to believe the witness of God concerning Christ. It is greater both in dignity and authority, in truth and certainty. For God infinitely surpasses all men and angels in majesty and veracity. He is the first and supreme Verity, who cannot lie, neither can He deceive, or be deceived. As S. Paul declares ( Romans 3:4), "Let God be true, and every man a liar." Moreover, the testimony of the Church, of the Apostles and Prophets, is the testimony of God, for the Church is governed by the Holy Ghost, who is the Spirit of Truth.
Because this is the witness of God, &c. The word because here is not so much causative as explanatory, and means the same as but. The meaning Isaiah , But this is God"s testimony, because, i.e, which, He has testified, &c, namely, as He testified at the Baptism of Christ, and at many other times, "This is My Beloved Son."