1 Corinthians 16:22

If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha.
Read Chapter 16


AD 400
Paul is referring to the Jews, who were accursed because they said that the Lord had not yet come. Commentary on Paul’s Epistles.

Cornelius a Lapide

AD 1637
If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema. "Anathema" denotes anything separated by a curse, thrown away, and destined for utter destruction. In the case of men it denotes, therefore, eternal damnation. These are not words of excommunication merely, but of cursing, and of denunciation of eternal damnation against unbelievers and all who love not Christ. Cf. notes on Rom ix3. Next to "anathema" was reckoned "katathema," which was a term applied to those who allied themselves to persons under condemnation. Hence Justin (qu121) says: ""Anathema" denotes anything, laid aside and set apart for God, and no longer put to common uses, or what has been cut off from God because of its vice or guilt. "Katathema" is applied to those who consent to men under anathema, or who devote themselves to the gods below." Maran-atha. This is properly two words. Erasmus thinks it is the same as "anathema," and he compares with its use here, "Abba Father." But he is mistaken: the words ar...

Didymus the Blind

AD 398
The person who does not keep the commandments has no love for the Lord. .

George Leo Haydock

AD 1849
Let him be anathema, accursed. Maran Atha, which, according to St. Jerome and St. Chrysostom, signify, the Lord is come already, and so is to be taken as an admonition to those who doubted of the resurrection, and is to put them in mind, that Christ, the Judge of the living and the dead, is come already. The Rabbinical writers tells us, there are three curses among the Jews called by different names: that the first was niddui, which implied an expulsion from the synagogue for a time; the second was greater, such being quite cut off from the common society, called Cherem; the third, Maran Atha, the Lord cometh, is coming, or is come, which was followed by exemplary judgments and punishments. Thus Mons. Hure, in his Bible Dictionary, Mr. Legh, in his Critica Sacra, and also Mr. Nary. But whether this is better grounded than many other Rabbinical stories, let others judge. (Witham)

Ignatius of Antioch

AD 108
The things which, when present, I spoke to you, these same, when absent, I now write to you. "If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema."

John Chrysostom

AD 407
By this one word Paul strikes fear into them all. But not only that; he also points out the way of virtue. As our love for God’s coming intensifies, there is no kind of sin which is not wiped out.

John Chrysostom

AD 407
By this one word he strikes fear into all: those who made their members the members of an harlot; those who put stumbling blocks in the way of their brethren by the things offered in sacrifice unto idols; those who named themselves after men; those who refuse to believe the resurrection. And he not only strikes fear, but also points out the way of virtue and the fountain of vice, viz. that as when our love towards Him has become intense, there is no kind of sin but is extinguished and cast out thereby; so when it is too weak, it causes the same to spring up. Maran atha. For what reason is this word used? And wherefore too in the Hebrew-tongue? Seeing that arrogance was the cause of all the evils, and this arrogance the wisdom from without produced, and this was the sum and substance of all the evils, a thing which especially distracted Corinth; in repressing their arrogance he did not even use the Greek tongue, but the Hebrew: signifying that so far from being ashamed of that sort ...

The Apostolic Constitutions

AD 375
"Hosanna to the Son of David. Blessed be He that cometh in the name of the Lord"

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - 2 Peter 1:20

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