Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God has prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come.
Read Chapter 16
Cornelius a Lapide
AD 1637
Let every one lay by him in store—the amount that he may wish to give at this collection on the Lord"s Day. The first day of the week was the day on which the faithful assembled in church and made their oblations, even as they do now; for from this passage it is evident that, by Apostolic institution, a collection was wont to be made on the Lord"s Day. When this custom had been discontinued at Constantinople, S. Chrysostom had it restored, and delivered a remarkable sermon on almsgiving and collections at the time. Again, S. Chrysostom well remarks that it was well ordered that the collection should take place on the Lord"s Day, for on it God created the world and Revelation -created it when lost, when Christ rose on the first day of the week and sent His Holy Spirit an the same day; and, therefore, we should keep in mind the great mercy that we have received on that day, and be merciful and liberal ourselves to others who are in need.
Moreover, it appears from this verse, that in the...
On the first day of the week, which is Sunday, and our sabbath, not the Jewish sabbath, as St. Chrysostom observes, so that before this time, the apostles had appointed the first day of the week for the worship of God. (Witham)
The day itself was enough to encourage them to give alms. For the Lord’s day was the day on which we received all the blessings which we now have. It is the root and the beginning of our new life in Christ. This is not the only reason that it is suitable for almsgiving, however. It is also the day of rest, when our souls can relax from their toils and open themselves to show pity. Moreover, participation in holy Communion on that day instills great zeal in us.
On the first day of the week, that is, the Lord's day, let each one of you lay by him in store, as he may prosper. Mark how he exhorts them even from the time: for indeed the day was enough to lead them to almsgiving. Wherefore call to mind, says he, what ye attained to on this day: how all the unutterable blessings, and that which is the root and the beginning of our life took place on this day. But not in this regard only is the season convenient for a zealous benevolence, but also because it has rest and immunity from toils: the souls when released from labors becoming readier and apter to show pity. Moreover, the communicating also on that day in Mysteries so tremendous and immortal instils great zealousness. On it, accordingly, let each one of you, not merely this or that individual, but each one of you, whether poor or rich, woman or man, slave or free, lay by him store. He said not, Let him bring it the church, lest they might feel ashamed because of the smallness of the sum; bu...