1 Corinthians 12:24

For our more respectable parts have no need: but God has arranged the body together, having given more abundant honor to that part which lacked:
Read Chapter 12


AD 400
We do not have to add anything to those whose eagerness for expertise and respectability is obvious—the honor due to them is given already. But an exhortation is necessary regarding the despised and lowly, to ensure that due honor is given to them, so that they may be seen as useful. Otherwise, if these people are despised, they will become more negligent about themselves. Commentary on Paul’s Epistles.

Augustine of Hippo

AD 430
Aren’t the hairs of your head certainly of less value than your other members? What is cheaper, more despicable, more lowly in your body than the hairs of your head? Yet if the barber trims your hair unskillfully, you become angry at him because he does not cut your hair evenly. Yet you do not maintain that same concern for unity of the members in the church.

Cornelius a Lapide

AD 1637
For our comely parts have no need. The eyes, the face, and the hands, which are the more comely parts of the body, lack no ornament, but are comely enough in themselves. Having given more abundant honour to that part which lacked. That is more careful guard, more clothing, and ornament. Cf. ver22.

George Leo Haydock

AD 1849
Cicero, in his 1st liber de Off. speaking of the human body, says, Natura quæ formam nostram atque figuram, in qua esset species honesta, eam posuit in promptu; quæ partes autem corporis ad naturæ necessitatem datæ, aspectum essent deformem habituræ atque turpem, eas contexit atque abdidit. (Calmet)

John Chrysostom

AD 407
That is, lest any should say, Why what kind of speech is this, to despise the honorable and pay court to the less honored? we do not this in contempt, says he, but because they 'have no need.' And see how large a measure of praise he thus sets down in brief, and so hastens on: a thing most conveniently and usefully done. And neither is he content with this, but adds also the cause, saying, But God tempered the body together, giving more abundant honor unto that part which lacked:

John Chrysostom

AD 407
Nothing in us is dishonorable, seeing that it is God’s work. What is there in us which is less esteemed than our genitals? Nevertheless, they enjoy greater honor, and even the very poor, who may be completely naked otherwise, cannot allow those parts to be uncovered.

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - 2 Peter 1:20

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