-restraint of the fear of God, that God may be glorified in everything through our Lord Jesus Christ, through our chaste and holy behaviour. For, "whether we eat, or drink, or do anything else, let us do it as for the glory of God."
But it becomes both men and women who marry, to form their union with the approval of the bishop, that their marriage may be according to God, and not after their own lust. Let all things be done to the honour of God.
But it becomes both men and women who marry, to form their union with the approval of the bishop, that their marriage may be according to the Lord, and not after their own lust. Let all things be done to the honour of God.
Even if I merely stretch forth my hand in almsgiving, I am meditating on the law of God. If I visit the sick, my feet are meditating on the law of God. If I do what is prescribed, I am praying with my whole body what others are praying with their lips. Homilies on the Psalms, Homily
Let all the things which you undertake and accomplish have this root and foundation, namely, that they tend to the glory of God… . When Paul said “If you do anything” [“whatever you do”], he has enclosed our whole existence in a single word, desiring that we never perform any act of virtue with an eye to human glory.
Perceivest thou how from the subject before him, he carried out the exhortation to what was general, giving us one, the most excellent of all aims, that God in all things should be glorified?
He wishes, then, for all our actions to be accomplished with Christ as companion and witness, that we may do good things for him as the author and avoid what is evil for the sake of his fellowship. One who knows that Christ is his companion is ashamed to do evil. In good things, however, Christ is our helper, and in the face of evil things he is our defender.