Revelation 13:18

Here is wisdom. Let him that has understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred three score and six.
Read Chapter 13


AD 735
number: This number among the Greeks, is said to be found in the name of Titan, that is, "a giant," in this manner, - T three hundred, E five, I ten, T three hundred, A one, N fifty. And it is thought that Antichrist will usurp this name, as if he excelled al in power, boasting also that he is the one of whom it was written, "He rejoiced as a giant to run his course. His going forth is from the highest heaven." And Primasius also mentions another name, which contains the same number, - A one, N fifty, T three hundred, E five, M forty, O seventy, two hundred, which signifies, "contrary to honour." Besides there is the word, - A one, P one hundred, N fifty, O seventy, Y four hundred, M forty, E five, that is, "I deny." By these, both the character of the person and the asperity of the work of Antichrist are indicated. But how so great a coveter of praise should be willing to be denoted by such a mark, requires a lengthened exposition. Otherwise: w...

George Leo Haydock

AD 1849
Six hundred sixty-six. The numeral letters of his name shall make up this number. (Challoner) _

Hippolytus of Rome

AD 235
And his seal upon the forehead and upon the right hand is the number, "Six hundred threescore and six."

Victorinus of Pettau

AD 303
As they have it reckoned from the Greek characters, they thus find it among many to be τειταν, for τειταν has this number, which the Gentiles call Sol and Phœbus; and it is reckoned in Greek thus: τ three hundred, ε five, ι ten, τ three hundred, α one, ν fifty—which taken together become six hundred and sixty-six. For as far as belongs to the Greek letters, they fill up this number and name; which name if you wish to turn into Latin, it is understood by the antiphrase DICLUX, which letters are reckoned in this manner: since D figures five hundred, I one, C a hundred, L fifty, V five, X ten—which by the reckoning up of the letters makes similarly six hundred and sixty-six, that is, what in Greek gives τειταν, to wit, what in Latin is called DICLUX; by which name, expressed by antiphrases, we understand Antichrist, who, although he be cut off from the supernal light, and deprived thereof, yet transforms himself into an angel of light, daring to call himself light. Moreover, we find in a ...

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - 2 Peter 1:20

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