Revelation 12:14

And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.
Read Chapter 12


AD 735
nourished: The whole time of the Church is signified, as being comprised in the number of the days above. For a &quot;time&quot; denotes one year, &quot;times&quot; two, &quot;half a time&quot; six months. <a


AD 735
wings: The Church is upheld by the two Testaments, and avoids the envenomed tumult of the world, and seeks in the affection of her mind the solitude of a &quot;meek and quiet spirit,&quot; while she thus sings with joy, &quot;Behold I got me away far off in flight, and abode in the wilderness.&quot; Nor does it make any difference that there she asks for the wings of a dove, but here receives those of an eagle. For as the Church, &quot;whose youth is renewed as an eagle's,&quot; is represented in the former because of the gift of the Holy Spirit, so also is it in the latter, because of the lofty flight and heavenly vision, by which it beholds God with a clean heart.

George Leo Haydock

AD 1849
There were given to the woman two wings of a great eagle. By these two wings, some understand the love of God, and the fear of offending him; others, piety, prudence (Witham) The Church, on account of the severe pressure of the persecution, obtained from the Almighty a special protection and assistance. (Pastorini)

Irenaeus of Lyons

AD 202
But they are altogether full of deceit of every kind, apostate inspiration, demoniacal working, and the phantasms of idolatry, and are in reality the predecessors of that dragon

Victorinus of Pettau

AD 303
are the two prophets— Elias, and the prophet who shall be with him.

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - 2 Peter 1:20

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