Psalms 141:2

Let my prayer be set forth before you as incense; and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice.
Read Chapter 141

Augustine of Hippo

AD 430
3. "Let my prayer be set forth in Thy sight as incense, and the lifting up of my hands an evening sacrifice" (ver. 2). That this is wont to be understood of the Head Himself, every Christian acknowledgeth. For when the day was now sinking towards evening, the Lord upon the Cross "laid down His life to take it again," did not lose it against His will. Still we too are figured there. For what of Him hung upon the tree, save what He took of us? And how can it be that the Father should leave and abandon His only begotten Son, especially when He is one God with Him? Yet, fixing our weakness upon the Cross, where, as the Apostle saith, "our old man is crucified with Him," He cried out in the voice of that our "old man," "Why hast Thou forsaken Me?" That then is the "evening sacrifice," the Passion of the Lord, the Cross of the Lord, the offering of a salutary Victim, the whole burnt offering acceptable to God. That "evening sacrifice" produced, in His Resurrection, a morning offering. Prayer...

George Leo Haydock

AD 1849
As. May be understood. "My prayer is an evening sacrifice "or equally acceptable. (Haydock) Sacrifice. Hebrew, "offering "which may be the same with the incense, or the evening holocaust. (Calmet) The Church prays that her petitions may ascend to the throne of God, and be accepted. The morning sacrifice was rather more solemn. But the evening one is here specified, in allusion to Christ's, at the last supper, and on the cross, (Worthington) which was consummated in the evening. (St. Augustine) (Tirinus) It may denote a perfect worship. (St. Chrysostom) (Berthier)

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - 2 Peter 1:20

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