Matthew 11:22

But I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the day of judgment, than for you.
Read Chapter 11

George Leo Haydock

AD 1849
More tolerable For as the fault of him who never had the truth announced to him, was less than of him who rejected it when offered, so also his punishment would be less. (Menochius)

John Chrysostom

AD 407
To these same things let us also listen: since not for the unbelievers only, but for us also, has He appointed a punishment more grievous than that of the Sodomites, if we will not receive the strangers that come in unto us; I mean, when He commanded to shake off the very dust: and very fitly. For as to the Sodomites, although they committed a great transgression, yet it was before the law and grace; but we, after so much care shown towards us, of what indulgence should we be worthy, showing so much inhospitality, and shutting our doors against them that are in need, and before our doors our ears? Or rather not against the poor only, but against the apostles themselves? For therefore we do it to the poor, because we do it to the very apostles. For whereas Paul is read, and you attend not; whereas John preaches, and you hear not: when will you receive a poor man, who will not receive an apostle? In order then that both our houses may be continually open to the one, and our ears to th...

Theophylact of Ochrid

AD 1107
. He says that the Jews are worse than the inhabitants of Tyre and Sidon, for the Gentile inhabitants of Tyre transgressed only the natural law while the Jews transgressed the Mosaic law as well. For the former did not see miracles, but the latter have both seen and slandered. Sackcloth is a symbol of repentance, and ashes and dust are what mourners put on their heads.

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - 2 Peter 1:20

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