Lamentations 5:3

We are orphans and fatherless, our mothers are as widows.
Read Chapter 5

George Leo Haydock

AD 1849
Father. Many had none surviving, and all had lost their king. (Worthington)

Thomas Aquinas

AD 1274
Regarding divine protection Verse 3 declares: "We have become orphans, fatherless;". That is, we are destitute of divine direction, like to a paternal consolation. And: " our mothers are like widows." Since definite security is called for. As the prophet Isaiah asserts: "Therefore the Lord does not rejoice over their young men, and, has not compassion on their fatherless and widows, for everyone is godless and' 'an evil doer, and every mouth speaks folly." (Is : 9:17).

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - 2 Peter 1:20

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