Job 21:14

Therefore they say unto God, Depart from us; for we desire not the knowledge of your ways.
Read Chapter 21

Ephrem The Syrian

AD 373
Certainly God does not cease from benefiting the wicked, in order to show that he has no hate against them, so that they may not say, “Since God hates us, he will never open the door of repentance to us.” And while he severely and sternly acts with the righteous, he nevertheless offers his love to the unrighteous. The rewards to be granted in time for [righteous] virtues are the future signs of the good works they do. - "Commentary on Job 21.3–7"

George Leo Haydock

AD 1849
Ways. The too common effect of riches, Proverbs xxx. 8., and Ecclesiasticus v. 2.

Gregory The Dialogist

AD 604
50. To say this in words even foolish men have not the boldness, yet all wicked persons say to God, not by their words but by their ways, Depart from us. For they that do those things which Almighty God forbids, what else are they doing but shutting up their soul against the Almighty. For just as to think of His precepts, is to introduce Him into one’s self, so to resist His commandments is to keep Him away from the dwelling-place of the heart. And so they say, Depart from us, who refuse to yield Him an approach to them; and assail Him with wicked deeds, even if they seem to praise Him in words. Moreover they say; For we desire not the knowledge of Thy ways. 51. And that by this alone, that they are too indifferent to acquire the knowledge of Him. For there be some who from this that ‘Truth’ saith; And that servant, which knoweth not his Lord’s will, and doth things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few. But he that knoweth his Lord’s will, and did not according to it, ...

Olympiodorus of Alexandria

AD 570
Since you believe to be wise and to know the reason why I suffer these afflictions, now answer my question. Why does it happen that very often many impious persons reach an old age in their wealth?… Their fields produce large crops, and they are delighted by their children and enjoy a constant abundance. They fear no one and receive no blow sent them by God. Their plowing cow does not give birth to an immature fetus, that is, it does not generate an imperfect or dead fetus, and their wives have no miscarriages. And they remain in prosperity like a flock, that is, free from care. - "Commentary on Job 21.6–14"

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - 2 Peter 1:20

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