Esther 6:3

And the king said, What honor and dignity has been bestowed upon Mordecai for this? Then said the king's servants that ministered unto him, There is nothing done for him.
Read Chapter 6

George Leo Haydock

AD 1849
Kingdom. Chap. vii. 2. This compliment only (Calmet) meant, that every rational (Haydock) request should be granted, Mark. vi. 23.


AD 420
Sleep was removed from the eyes of Ahasuerus, whom the Seventy call Artaxerxes, that he might turn over the memoirs of his faithful ministers and come on Mordecai, by whose evidence he was delivered from a conspiracy; and that thus Esther might be more acceptable and the whole people of the Jews escape imminent death. There is no doubt that the mighty sovereign to whom belonged the whole East, from India to the north and to Ethiopia, after feasting sumptuously on delicacies gathered from every part of the world would have desired to sleep, and to take his rest and to gratify his free choice of sleep, had not the Lord, the provider of all good things, hindered the course of nature, so that in defiance of nature the tyrant’s cruelty might be overcome. If I were to attempt to produce all the instance of the holy Scripture, I should be tedious. All that the saints say is a prayer to God; their whole prayer and supplication is a strong wrestling for the pity of God, so that we, who by our o...

Richard Challoner

AD 1781
No reward at all: He received some presents from the king, chap. 12. 5; but these were so inconsiderable in the opinion of the courtiers, that they esteemed them as nothing at all.

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - 2 Peter 1:20

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