Ephesians 1:22

And has put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church,
Read Chapter 1


AD 400
He says that the Father has subjected all creation to the Son, so that he may be the head and Lord of all on account of being the one through whom he made all things. He “made all things subject to him” when he generated him before all things, that through him all that had not been might come into being.

George Leo Haydock

AD 1849
As Christ is king, and yet men are kings also; so Christ is head of the Church, and yet man may be head thereof also. Jesus Christ is bishop and pastor of our souls; (Hebrews iii.) but is that a reason why there should be no other bishop and pastor of our souls? Notes as to the style or expressions of St. Paul, in this chapter.


AD 420
Why “all things”? Why is it said that angels, thrones, dominions, powers and the other forces that were never opposed to God should be “put under his feet”? It seems obscure. But it could be said in reply that none is without sin. The “stars themselves are not clean in God’s sight,” and every creature dreads the advent of the Lord…. But another explanation refers the word all not to everything but only to those things that are in dispute. It is as if one says “all the citizens cried out,” not meaning that there was no one in the city who was silent but that what is said of the majority covers the minority also. –.


AD 420
In the same way as a hand has many members subject to it, of which some are diseased and weak, so too our Lord Jesus Christ, being the head of the church, has as his members the whole congregation of the church, the saints and also the sinners. But the saints are in voluntary subjection to him, while the sinners are under compulsion. –.


AD 420
By his foreknowledge he is celebrating what is to come as though it were done already, as I explained above when he says “he has blessed us.” … Either this interpretation, or a better one might be: If we are to take account of what has gone before, we should take this to mean that even those things whose will is not subject to him serve him because of their natural condition. So demons, Gentiles and Jews all serve him. Even if they do not freely serve Christ nor are they put under his feet, yet, because they have been created by him for good, they are unwillingly subject to his power, even if they strive against him with the volition of their free judgment. –.

John Chrysostom

AD 407
* And He put all things in subjection under His feet. Not simply so set Him above them as to be honored above them, nor by way of comparison with them, but so that He should sit over them as His slaves. Amazing! Awful indeed are these things; every created power has been made the slave of man by reason of God the Word dwelling in Him. For it is possible for a man to be above others, without having others in subjection, but only as preferred before them. But here it is not so. No, He put all things in subjection under His feet. And not simply put them in subjection, but in the most abject subjection, that below which there can be none. Therefore he adds, under His feet. * And gave Him to be Head over all things to the Church. Amazing again, whither has He raised the Church? As though he were lifting it up by some engine, he has raised it up to a vast height, and set it on yonder throne; for where the Head is, there is the body also. There is no interval to separate between the Head...

John Chrysostom

AD 407
Oh, how high he has raised the church! For, as if he were lifting it by some stage machine, he has led it up to a great height and installed it on that throne. For where the head is, there is the body also. .

John Chrysostom

AD 407
God set him above so as to be honored before the rest, not merely to distinguish him but to make all things his servants. Truly this is an awesome reality—that the whole power of creation should finally bow before a man in whom God the Word dwells. For it is possible for someone to be on high without subjects but held in peculiar honor. Here, however, it is not so, but “he has put all under his feet.” And he has not only subjected them but imposed the most extreme subjection, below which there is no other. For this reason he says “under his feet.” .

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - 2 Peter 1:20

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