2 Timothy 4:22

The Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Grace be with you. Amen.
All Commentaries on 2 Timothy 4:22 Go To 2 Timothy 4

John Chrysostom

AD 407
The Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. There can be no better prayer than this. Grieve not for my departure. The Lord will be with you. And he says, not with you, but with your spirit. Thus there is a twofold assistance, the grace of the Spirit, and God helping it. And otherwise God will not be with us, if we have not spiritual grace. For if we be deserted by grace, how shall He be with us? Grace be with us. Amen. Thus he prays for himself too, that they may always be well-pleasing to Him, that they may have grace together with the spiritual gift, for where this is, nothing will be grievous. For as he who beholds the king, and is in favor with him, is sensible of no uneasiness; so though our friends forsake us, though we be overtaken by calamity, we shall feel no distress, if that grace be with us and fortify us. Moral . But how shall we draw down grace upon us? By doing what is pleasing to God, and obeying Him in all things. In great houses do we not see those domestics in favor, who do not regard their own interest, but with all zeal and alacrity promote their masters', and who not from the compulsion of the master, but from their own affection and good disposition, order all things well. When they are always before their eyes, when they are engaged in the house, when they are not occupied in any private concerns, nor caring for their own, but rather consider their masters' concerns as their own. For he who makes what is his own his master's, does not really give up his own to his master, but makes his interest his own; he commands even as himself in his affairs, and rules equally with him. He is often as much feared by the domestics, and whatever he says his master says too, and he is henceforth dreaded by all his enemies. And if he who in worldly concerns prefers his masters interests to his own, does not really neglect his own interest, but rather advance it the more; much more is this the case in spiritual matters. Despise your own concerns, and you will receive those of God. This He Himself wills. Despise each, and seize upon the kingdom of heaven. Dwell there, not here. Be formidable there, not here. If you are formidable there you will be formidable not to men, but to demons, and even to the devil himself. But if your dependence is on worldly wealth, you will be contemptible to them, and often to men too. Whatever be your riches, you will be rich in servile things. But if you despise these, you will be radiant in the house of the King. Such were the Apostles, despising a servile house and worldly wealth! And see how they commanded in the affairs of their Master. Let one, they said, be delivered from disease, another from the possession of devils: bind this man, and loose that. This was done by them on earth, but it was fulfilled as in Heaven. For, whatever you shall bind on earth, said He, shall be bound in Heaven. Matthew 18:18 And greater power than His own did He give them. And that I lie not, appears from His own words. He that believes in Me, greater works shall he do than these which I do. John 14:12 Why so? Because this honor is reflected upon the Master. As in our own affairs, if the servant has great power, the master is the more admired, for if the servant is so powerful, much more is he who commands him. But if any man, neglecting his master's service thinks only of his wife, his son, or his servant, and seeks to be rich, and to lay up treasure there, by stealing and robbing his master of his possessions, he is presently ruined, and his wealth perishes with him. Wherefore having these examples, I beseech you, let us not regard our possessions, that we may regard ourselves: nay, let us despise them, that we may obtain them. If we despise them, He will take care of them; if we take care of them, God will despise them. Let us labor in the concerns of God, not in our own, or rather really in our own, for His are our own. I speak not of heaven, nor of earth, nor of the things of this world: these are unworthy of Him. And they belong alike to the faithful and the unbelievers. What then do I speak of as His? His glory and His kingdom. These are His, and ours for His sake. How? If we be dead with Him, He says, we shall also live with Him. If we suffer, we shall also reign with Him. 2 Timothy 2:11 We have become joint heirs, and are called His brethren. Why do we sink below, when He is drawing us upward towards Himself? How long shall we be poor, and beggarly? Heaven is set before us; and do we linger on earth? Is His kingdom opened to us, and do we choose such poverty as is here? Is life immortal offered us, and do we spend ourselves for lands, for wood and stones? Be truly rich. I would wish you to be so. Be covetous and rapacious, I blame you not for it. Here it is a fault not to be covetous, here it is blameworthy not to be grasping. What then is this? The kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force. Matthew 11:12 There be thou violent! Be grasping! It is not diminished by being seized upon. For neither is virtue divided, nor piety lessened, nor the kingdom of Heaven. Virtue is increased when you seize upon it, while temporal goods are lessened when they are seized upon. And this appears from hence: Let there be ten thousand men in a city; if all seize on virtue, it is multiplied, for they become righteous in ten thousand things. If no one seizes upon it, it is diminished, for it is nowhere to be found. You see then that good things are multiplied on being possessed by many, but earthly goods are rather diminished by seizing. Let us not therefore sit down content with poverty, but let us choose riches. God is then rich, when those who enjoy His kingdom are many. For He is rich, it is said, unto all that call upon Him. Romans 10:12 Increase then His substance; and you will increase it by taking possession of it, by being covetous of it, by violently seizing it. And truly there is need of violence. Wherefore? Because there are so many impediments, as wives and children, cares and worldly business; besides those demons, and him who is the ruler of them, the devil. There is need then of violence, there is need of fortitude. He who takes by violence is exposed to toils. How? He endures all things, he contends against necessities. How? He almost attempts impossibilities. If such are those who take by violence, and we shrink from attempting even what is possible, how shall we ever win? Or when shall we enjoy the things for which we strive? The violent, it is said, take the kingdom of heaven by force. Violence and rapacity are needed. For it is not simply set before us, and ready to our hands. He who seizes by violence, is ever sober and watchful, he is anxious and thoughtful, that he may make his seizure at a seasonable time. Do you not see that in war he who is about to make a seizure keeps watch and is under arms the whole night? If then they who aim at seizing upon worldly goods, watch and are armed all the night long, should we, who wish to seize upon spiritual things, sleep and snore in the day, and continue always naked and unarmed? For he who is engaged in sin is unarmed; as he who practices righteousness is armed. We do not fortify ourselves with almsgiving. We do not prepare for ourselves lamps that are burning, we do not fence ourselves in spiritual armor. We do not learn the way that leads there. We are not sober and watchful, and therefore we can seize no spoil. If a man wishes to make an attempt on a kingdom, does he not set death before him in a thousand shapes? Is he not armed at all points, does he not practice the art of war, does he not do everything with this view, and so rush on to the attack? But we do not act thus. We wish to take the spoil while we are sleeping, and therefore we come off with empty hands. Do you not see plunderers, how they flee, how rapidly they move? How they force their way through everything? And there is need of expedition here. The devil is in pursuit of you. He orders those before to detain you. But if you are strong, if you are watchful, you will spurn one, and thrust aside another, and escape from all, as a bird. Yea, if you depart hence, if you escape from the market and the tumult, I mean this life, and arrive at those higher regions beyond these, in the world to come. For there, as in a solitude, there is no tumult, no one to disturb, or to stay your course. Have you seized? Yet a little exertion is needed after the seizure, that what you have seized may not be taken from you. If we run on, if we look to none of those things that are set before our eyes, if we consider nothing but how we may escape from those who would hinder us, we shall be able to retain with all security what we have seized. Have you seized on chastity? Tarry not; flee beyond the reach of the devil. If he sees that he cannot overtake you, he will cease to pursue; as we, when we can no longer see those who have robbed us, despair of the pursuit, and do not pursue, nor call on others to stop thief, but suffer them to escape. So do thou run vigorously at the beginning, and when you are beyond the reach of the devil, he will not afterwards attack you, but you will be in safety, securely enjoying those unspeakable blessings, which God grant that we may all obtain through Jesus Christ our Lord. To whom with the Father, and the Holy Ghost, be glory, power, honor, and worship, now and for ever, and world without end. Amen.
9 mins

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - 2 Peter 1:20

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